Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Hunger Games

I was told by numerous people that I should read The Hunger Games series. I might be one of the last people to read this book and that is mainly because I did not have much interest in the series. I knew nothing about the story and the title and cover did not intrigue me at all (yes, I was judging this book by its cover). When I actually heard the plot I decided to pick up a copy of the book. I finished the book in only 4 days; needless to say, I could not put this book down. I was one of the most original books I have read since Harry Potter! It amazes me when authors create an entirely new world for their characters to live in. Most stories have been told over and over again in different time periods or with a different setting; and if the reader is lucky the story might have an unexpected twist. Original stories are hard to come by with the amount of books that are published on a daily basis.

This book makes you question your abilities and the way you would react to this type of savage situation. We live in such a civilized world that we do not have the need to adapt or worry about how we will sustain our life. We all have instincts that will help us in critical situations, but we do not have the need to rely on these instincts. This book talks about a world that is much different from ours. A world where you need to worry about how you will find your next meal and that tests your will to survive. This book is exciting and different from other stories, I suggest that everyone read it! This book completely surprised me and I am excited to read the rest of the series.



  1. Sounds like a good! I'll have to add it to my book list. I hope to read more now that the weather is changing :( Snuggled in bed with a good book sounds wonderful!

  2. Và mặc dù du lịch tổng thể thấp hơn nhiều: , có rất nhiều khách doanh nhân trong thị trấn trong mùa này, do đó, giao dịch khách sạn có thể khó thực hiện hơn.

    Mùa xuân bắt đầu với Lễ hội Hoa Anh đào Quốc gia vào giữa đến cuối tháng Ba. Nhiệt độ trung bình vẫn còn khá cao vào đầu mùa xuân: , nhưng chúng thường sẽ leo lên giữa những năm 70 vào tháng 5, khiến mùa này trở thành thời điểm tuyệt vời để trải nghiệm các điểm tham quan ngoài trời phong phú của thành phố.
